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:: Introduction ::

  Established in 1929, and originally as one of the colleges of Tehran University, Iran University of Science and Technology became one of the most accredited universities on a national scale. Today, it is a technology-oriented center hosting mainly engineering programs.

  In view of the substantial significance of the English language education as far as access to international scientific sources is concerned, the Department of Foreign Languages has provided invaluable service to the university by conducting General English and ESP courses. Enjoying an authoritative teaching staff comprised of nationally and sometimes internationally celebrated scholars, the department has proved to be dynamic enough to conduct an M.A. program in TEFL since 1994. The medium of instruction for this M.A. program in TEFL is English only. The establishment of a doctoral program in TEFL, an M.A. program in English Translation, and a B.A. program in English literature are some of the mid- and long-term objectives of the department.

:: History ::

The Foreign Languages Department at IUST has had close participation in teaching general and ESP courses, and has rendered educational services for students in other colleges.

 The department offers an MA TEFL program on issues in applied linguistics and language teaching methodologies.

Additionally, The department has decided to publish an international journal, ESP IRAN, in order to create scientific interaction among  experts in the field, instructors, researchers, students and the others who are actively involved  in teaching language for specific purposes.

The newly established library of the department has a resourceful collection of  books on language and linguistics. The department also holds a spacious language lab which holds 100 participants, and is used extensively for conversation courses offered in different languages.


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کلیه حقوق مادی و معنوی این سایت متعلق به دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران می باشد. نقل هرگونه مطلب با ذکر منبع بلامانع است.
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